preparing and reviewing manuscripts for ieee journal publications: ieee transactions on energy conve-九游会平台
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topic : preparing and reviewing manuscripts for ieee journal publications: ieee transactions on energy conversion

lecturer: prof. juri jatskevich the university of british columbia, canada

time: 09:00-10:00, nov. 7, 2017

site: 3-102 west main-building


this talk aims at helping the researchers interested in publishing or reviewing for ieee journals to become more successful authors and productive reviewers. the current editor-in-chief (eic) of the ieee transactions on energy conversion will discuss the scope of journals in ieee power & energy society (pes) to help prospective authors select the most appropriate publication venue. after an overview of journal’s history and current status, the eic will discuss the review process from initial submission to publication, and explain the considerations behind the forms and questions used in the review process. the eic will also share best practices and common mistakes from his experience of working with authors as well as reviewers, and discuss frequently asked questions, such as the relationship to conference publications, importance of experimental validation, and potential causes for plagiarism.

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